Workplace Health & Safety
This event has ended.

ETF requires everyone on-site to observe Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines. 

One of the key requirements of this policy is for ETF to conduct a risk assessment for each event with a view to putting in place procedures and practices to eliminate or control those risks. 

This document will help provide guidance on the minimum requirements for a ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ as stated in the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act and Regulations.

This document can be implemented in conjunction with the various Acts that may be applicable to any State or Territory where an exhibition, event or activity is to be conducted.  Regulations, National Standards, WHS Act of 2011 and Codes of Practice may be sited in this document. The implementation of this Plan does not, in itself, guarantee legal compliance nor waive or modify any statutory requirement for Workplace Health and Safety.

This places the primary duty of care and various other duties and obligations on a ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU). The meaning of a PCBU is set out in section 5 of the WHS Act.

This is a broad concept used to capture all types of modern working arrangements.

The key risks identified by the Management team of the show include those itemised below. Please ensure that these guidelines are strictly followed on site. Where applicable a cross reference to the ETF Policy Guidelines has been included. 

All accidents, injuries and potential safety hazards must be reported immediately to shows Operations Manager from ETF.

All exhibitors and their staff are to read the WH&S document below. Once you and your staff have read this, please state all of the names who have read this below.

Name Description Deadline Action
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